Request Regarding the Use of Storm Labels Inc.’s Website

Storm Labels Inc.'s website (hereinafter referred to as "this website") is managed and operated by Storm Labels Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Storm Labels")
The copyright of all content provided on this website, such as the text, graphics, images, and audio sources, belongs to Storm Labels or the legitimate rights holder. Without prior consent, the use, including duplication, falsification, and distribution, is strictly prohibited beyond the scope of private use permitted by law.
We pay close attention to the information provided on our website. However, we are not responsible for any compensation for damages or defects caused by the information or the content on the website. The information on this website is also subject to change or cancellation without notice.
Unauthorized links to this website are also not allowed.
JASRAC License Number: S0610261677

Recommended system requirements
This website can be viewed using computers and displays optimized for browsers in smartphones running iOS 13.0 or Android 5.0 and later.

Recommended browsers
Computers: We recommend that you always use the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
Android: We recommend that you always use the latest version of Google Mobile Chrome.
iPhone: We recommend that you always use the latest version of Mobile Safari and Google Mobile Chrome.
iPad: We recommend that you always use the latest version of Mobile Safari and Google Mobile Chrome.
* The browsers provided by different companies are upgraded to add new functions and enhance the security of websites, so please make sure your browser is always updated to the latest version.

About JavaScript
This website uses JavaScript to provide users with a better and more convenient experience.
If JavaScript is not enabled in your browser settings, the website may not function or be displayed correctly. Navigation and content provided by third parties and some of our devices may not work properly because JavaScript is disabled.
We appreciate your understanding in advance.

Use of cookies
1. Cookies are files on your computer containing information about data exchanged between your browser and the server when you visit a website, such as your usage history and the information you entered. Our website uses cookie information to improve our services to our customers.
2. Storm Labels and third-party companies commissioned by Storm Labels may use cookie information collected on this website to send advertisements.
3. Cookies do not contain any information that identifies you and will not invade your privacy. The cookies we collect will be handled per our privacy policy.
4. You can set your browser to "Allow all cookies" or "Block all cookies" if you don't want cookies to placed in your device.