
Donations in FY 2016

Support for the areas and people affected by the Kumamoto Earthquakes

We would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the Kumamoto Earthquakes
that occurred in April 2016 and extend our prayers to the victims and condolences to the bereaved families.

We have donated 50 million yen through Kumamoto Prefecture
as the first round of support for the relief and recovery efforts for the victims of the Kumamoto Earthquakes.

□ Kumamoto Prefecture
Furusato Kumamoto Support Donation (for children in the disaster areas): 50 million yen

We sincerely hope the areas affected by the disaster will recover swiftly as we continue to support the recovery efforts.

August 31, 2016

Continued support for the areas and people affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake

We have been supporting the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in March 2011.

□ Iwate Prefecture
Relief funds (used to support the livelihood of disaster victims) and Hope Funds (to support the children orphaned by the disaster): 25 million yen
□ Miyagi Prefecture
Relief funds (used to support the livelihood of disaster victims) and Great East Japan Earthquake Miyagi Children Scholarship Fund (to support the children orphaned by the disaster): 25 million yen
□ Fukushima Prefecture
Relief funds (used to support the livelihood of disaster victims) and Great East Japan Earthquake Fukushima Donation for Children (to support the children orphaned by the disaster): 25 million yen

March 31, 2017

The Japan National Council of Social Welfare's program to support "Enriched Growth and Self-Support"

Since 2010, we have continued to make donations to the "Enriched Growth and Self-Support" program for children living in children's nursing homes, infant homes, maternal and child living support facilities, and self-support homes through the Japan National Council of Social Welfare.

This year, we donated 50 million yen to support the following:
1. Subsidy to support the first-year working adults
2. Subsidy to support the enrichment of the lives of young children

March 31, 2017