2022.11.13 MOVIE

Takuya Kimura starring in the movie "THE LEGEND & BUTTERFLY"
still picture ban lifted!

Two legends that intersect through the ages
"Takuya Kimura" × "Nobunaga Oda"
Overwhelmed by the intimidation of "Kimura Nobunaga"...!
New still picture ban lifted!

In commemoration of Toei's 70th anniversary, the film "THE LEGEND & BUTTERFLY" was produced by the best cast and staff in the history of Japan cinema. Born as a completely new entertainment work that will change the Japan film industry and engrave its name in the history of Japan cinema, this film will be released on January 27 next year as the story of an unknown couple of the well-known "legend" of Japan history, Nobunaga Oda, and the mysterious wife Nohime (also known as Kicho).

The ban was lifted on November 13, also Takuya Kimura's birthday, a new still picture of Nobunaga Oda, who spent his time fighting for the unification of the world and was called the Demon King and feared 。 The appearance shown at the "Gifu Nobunaga Festival" that swept the trend in Japan the other day is a late figure that makes you feel a little different from the awesomeness. For Kimura, who had felt a sense of affinity since childhood that the Kimura family crest was the same as the Oda family crest, Nobunaga Oda, was a special presence. Kimura, who played the young Nobunaga in "Oda Nobunaga: The Fool Who Took Tenka" (TBS, 1998), was so attracted to Nobunaga's life that it was so theatrical that he continued to have strong feelings for Nobunaga even after filming. And time passed, and last year in 2021, Kimura, who turned 49, counted the same age as Nobunaga Oda (49 years old by counting years), who ended his life in "Honno-ji Incident", and it was this work "Legend & Butterfly" that he decided to play his life with full satisfaction.
Guided by a mysterious connection, two "legends" intersect through the ages. A new Takuya Kimura that cannot be found anywhere in Kimura's 35-year career, which he was supposed to play Nobunaga to play. is engraved on the screen through Nobunaga Oda. What did everyone know Nobunaga Oda think and feel behind the historically famous events? And at that time, with his wife, Nohime, who was next to him, how did he challenge the unification of the world? Nobunaga Oda, played by Kimura, said that the cast and staff discussed with each other, "As long as I play people who were actually alive, I want to make a work that is not disrespectful to the people of the time." Please look forward to the sequel to the movie "THE LEGEND & BUTTERFLY", which depicts the lives of the humans who ran through the war-torn world while suffering on a grand scale.

Nobunaga Oda (Takuya Kimura) and Nohime (Haruka Ayase), who plot to assassinate Nobunaga, are united by a political marriage. The two who don't get along at all have a relationship of oil and water, and from the first night of their marriage, they get into a big fuss.
One day, civil war breaks out in Nohime's homeland, and her father, Dozan Saito, dies. It was none other than Nobunaga who gave Nohime a meaning and a place to live when she lost her reason for being and was about to commit suicide because she had no country to return to. When Nobunaga is attacked by a large army and finds himself in a predicament, he complains only to Nohime. The desperate Nobunaga is encouraged by Nohime, and the two miraculously win the fierce battle between Okehazama. The bond that sprouted as a result of this became even stronger, and the two dreamed of unifying the world, saying "everywhere up".
However, in battle after battle, Nobunaga transforms into a ruthless "demon king". Nohime, who knows who the real Nobunaga is, breaks her heart to stop him, but fate mercilessly heads for Honnoji.
Nobunaga, who was feared as a <demon king>, and Nohime, who sought freedom like a <butterfly>. What is the "real dream" that the two of them, who ran through the turbulent 30 years together, were seeing?

Title summary
Script: Ryota Furusawa
Director:Keishi Otomo
Starring:Takuya Kimura, Haruka Ayase
Hio Miyazawa, Somegoro Ichikawa, Takuma Otoo, Takumi Saito, Kinya Kitaoji, Hideaki Ito, Miki Nakatani
Distribution: Toei

◆ Official Twitter@lb_toei70th

January 27, 2023 (Fri) Nationwide release!
Click here for the official website


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